
In 1756 Sorri was owned by a person called Söderman. In 1800, the plot belonged to the patron Johan Ramström and the patron Philip Korsman, who was poor. The Ramströms had little arable land.
Modification drafts
There is a modification drawing of Sorri in 1883. Along Kiviniemenkatu, on the northern boundary of the plot, there is a semi-detached building with a room and a hall, with an entrance hall and an antechamber between them, and an end chamber at the end of the room. At the western end of the building was a shed and a barn. It was now intended to convert the shed and barn into living quarters, and at the same time to extend the loft section to the width of the rest of the building’s frame. A plank porch was built in front of the separate chambers. There was an existing one at the entrance hall of the old dwelling. The outbuilding was on the southern boundary of the site. It contained a barn and a shed. Now a plank barn was built on its side, replacing the mudroom that had been converted into a living room.
1907 is an alteration drawing by Arvi Leikari. A wing was added to the residential building facing Länsikatu and a shed was demolished at the Kiviniemenkatu end. After the alteration, there were four apartments: a baker’s pantry and pantry, a room and kitchen and a separate room on Kiviniemenkatu, and two rooms and a kitchen on Länsikadu. Each apartment was accessed via a porch. The outer building was extended to reach the west street. The residential building was given a new minimalist cladding. The walls are vertically boarded and the T-shaped windows have a lining of boarded windows with the top board accentuated at the centre and sides. The upper part of the gate and fence of the property is louvered. A triangular shape similar to the top of the windows is repeated in the centre of the gate’s top wood. The end of the outbuilding overlooking the street also has a window similar to the one in the residential building.
In 1938 there was a canteen at the west end of the main building, with access from a small porch at the side of the building.
Current situation
Residential building
Long-cornered residential building, vertical boarding and lining of windows 1907 (Arvi Leikari), saddle roof
Exterior building
Vertical boarded exterior building.