
The owner of the house is listed in the 1800 tax list as bourgeois Isak Korsman. He also had some field land.
Fire insurance
In 1875, fire insurance was taken out by master carpenter J.G. Österman. The main building was located on the northern boundary of the plot, at the end of Neulavahe. It was an old log building in good condition, unplanked and unpainted. The rooms consisted of a hall, a baker’s room, two chambers and a hall. The second building was on the western side of the property. It was recently built, unplanked and painted with red clay paint. The rooms were two halls, three chambers and a hallway. The building on Eteläpitkäkatu was recently built, in good condition, not boarded up and painted with red clay paint. The building contained a carpenter’s workshop, a pantry, a kitchen, a sleeping room, a stable, a barn, a shed and a hall. All the buildings had pitched roofs. The property was entered from the Neulavahe side through a covered gateway to the main building.
Fire insurance documents show that the buildings, owned by the workman Juho Rintanen, were undergoing repairs in 1909. A separate additional insurance policy had been taken out for these repairs.
Modification drafts
There is an alteration drawing of the buildings made by Arvi Leikari in 1907. There was a residential building along the street, which continued as a wing on the western boundary of the plot. On the northern boundary of the plot was a baker’s building, which also contained a sauna and living rooms. The outbuilding was on the eastern boundary of the plot. Now it was desired to shorten the residential building facing Vanhankirkonkatu slightly at the eastern end in order to create a gateway to the roof. After the change, the roof side had three kitchens and five living rooms. The width of the log frame on the courtyard side varied, so the wing was probably made up of sections of different ages. There was one kitchen and four rooms. The courtyard side of the building had two boarded windows and an open porch. The baker’s building was extensively altered. The baking oven was moved from the western to the eastern part of the building. There was no longer a sauna, but a chamber was left next to the baker’s pantry.
The western end of the building was converted into an outbuilding with cattle sheds and a latrine. A brick wall separated the living quarters from the outbuildings. The outbuilding on the western boundary was rebuilt and timber sheds were added. A separate latrine building and parts of the outbuilding were demolished. A few years later, fireplace alterations were made to the street-side building. One large room was divided into a smaller room and a kitchen, and the stove in the other large room was replaced by a furnace. In 1934, four kitchens were added to the residence, so that the building was almost exclusively a stove room.
In 1986, renovations and alterations were made to buildings that had long been neglected. One 129 m2 apartment was added to the roof-side building. A 73,5 m2 apartment was added to the wing on the courtyard side, and a dwelling was planned for the building on the northern boundary of the site, to which, in addition to the existing living quarters, a part serving as an outbuilding would be attached. All the apartments were planned to include washrooms, toilets and a modern kitchen. A sauna was planned for the building on the eastern boundary of the site. An old-style gate was designed along the south street. No changes were made to the building on the northern part of the site. The dwelling was neither renovated nor extended.
Current situation
Residential building
Short-cornered residential building, probably from the 1860s, lined in neo-renaissance style 1907 (Arvi Leikari) with saddle roof
Exterior building of board, cellar
Residential and outbuilding
Short-cornered dwelling and outbuilding, vertical boarding
Reconstructed to the old design, the Eteläpitkäkatu side with an upper arched design and the Neulavahe side with a type common in the early decades of the 20th century.