Kruuk, Tawast, Östman
Kuninkaankatu 29, Kauppakatu 22
Property code: 001-147-14

In 1756 the owner of the land was listed as Östman. In 1800, the Östmann plot belonged to Captain Eek. The house was also occupied by Carl Nyberg, the acting postmaster, who did not own the property.
Fire insurance
The fire insurance was taken out in 1847 by merchant H. Östman. There were seven buildings on the plot. The residential buildings were located along Kauppakatu. The western one was built in earlier times and was in good condition, planked and painted with water-based paint. The rooms consisted of an entrance hall, a hall, two chambers and a kitchen. The roof was of brick. The entrance porch of the building was covered with a canopy supported by poles. The stairs to the attic started from the hall closet. There were also two closets with shelves. There were seven four-sash windows and a smaller one of the same type. The outer door was a double board door, which was a double door. There were five intermediate doors and they were semi-transparent mirrored doors. Three rooms had paper wallpaper, skirting boards and ceiling tiles. The tiled stoves, of which there were three, were green glazed.
The other street-side building was also old. It was also boarded up and painted with water-based paint. The roof was made of boards. The building had a lobby, a hall, a pantry and a baking room with a stove and a baking oven. The outside staircase was without a roof, the attic staircase here also started from the closet. Four of the windows were four-paned and square, and there was one smaller window of the same shape. The outer door was a simple double door. The intermediate doors, of which there were four, were semi-transparent. One room had paper wallpaper, a chest panel and a ceiling moulding. One of the stoves was a brown-glazed tiled stove, the other unglazed.
The sauna building, located on the western boundary of the plot, was an old log building, unplanked but painted red. It had a hall, a sauna and a dining room. The roof was made of boards. There were two windows and three doors.
The outbuilding, which was on the sloping northern boundary of the plot, was old, except for the barn, which was built in 1846, and was in fair condition. The building was unplanked and painted red. The buildings consisted of a barn, a tool shed and a stable. The roof was of board and batten. One door was a two-panel simple board door, the other two were plain board doors. There was also a boarded hatch.
On the eastern boundary of the property, attached to the residential building, was a log building, which was old and in fair condition. The building was painted red. There was a vaulted cellar under the building. There were two boarded doors to the attic and stairs to the attic. In addition, in the same row, there was a wooden shed. In addition to these buildings, there was a small log shed with a tiled roof in the middle of the plot. It was not insured. Instead, two double boarded driveways and a fence were insured.
In 1864, a new insurance policy was issued. The owner of the house had not changed. An addition had been added to the west side street building on the western boundary of the property, on the site of the former sauna building. The addition was unplanked and painted red, as were the siding of the old building. The building has a tiled roof. The old part now contained a hall, four chambers, a pantry and a hallway. There were five tiled stoves. The new part was built in 1863 and had a kitchen, baker’s room, laundry room and hall. There were three fireplaces, a kitchen oven with a masonry iron stove, a van oven and a sauna oven.
The eastern street-side building now had a hall, two chambers, a kitchen and pantry, and a hallway. There were three tiled stoves, plus a kitchen stove with a masonry iron stove. The building had not been altered and neither had the other buildings. The northern part of the plot on the Kuninkaankatu side was a garden, separated from the rest of the yard by a lattice fence. In addition, between the barn and the small fence, a cattle yard area was separated.
In October 1884, there was a fire accident on the property owned by Johanna Henrika Östman, then the widow of a squire, in which the outbuilding on the northern boundary of the plot was badly damaged and the fence and garden trellis in the cattle yard were completely destroyed.
In 1885, the insurance policy was renewed. The Länsikatu side building had a porch and the west wing had an exterior roof or porch. The second street-side building had been given a tile roof. A new log outbuilding had been built in 1885 to replace the burned outbuilding. It was still unlined and unpainted, with a felt roof. The building had a dormitory with an attic. It also had a stable with a hayloft, two toilets and a manure shed, and a barn with a hayloft. The shed, with a cellar underneath, was covered with bricks and there was also a wooden shed. In addition, there was a new board shed built in 1885, also with a tiled roof. This was on Kuninkaankatu. The fence facing Kuninkaankatu was new and unpainted. The burnt garden fence had not been rebuilt. The gate was also covered by insurance.
Modification draft
There is an alteration drawing from 1884 relating to an outbuilding that was damaged in a fire. The building had to be re-roofed and redecorated because of the damage, but now they also wanted to raise it. The building included a dormitory, stables, a barn and an enclosure, or manure house. In the same year, a three-roomed, flat-roofed shed was built on the Kuninkaankatu side of the plot.
In 1903, M. Isaksson drew up an alteration drawing for the building on the Kuninkaankatu side of the plot, which was later demolished. The small ferry building had previously been a commercial space with a street door. Now they wanted to extend the building with a pulpit roof and to create a large, multi-screen window in the roof for a photographic studio.
In 1904, changes were made to the courtyard wing of the western building on Kuninkaankatu. There had been two baking ovens and two very large ovens in the wing. Now a small baking oven was built in a small room separate from the second baking oven. The other half of the room became a kitchen with a stove. The second baking room was divided into a chamber and a hall. A small porch was made outside the hall, in a slightly different place from where the old baking room porch had been.
In 1921, a shop door and one shop window were opened on the roof of the west side of the building owned by Oskar Rantanen. The rest of the façade was empire style. Wide planking, hexagonal windows framed by classical mouldings, double-pane attic windows and smooth corner pilasters divided the symmetrical façade. The roof was gabled and tiled.
In 1927, the facades of the buildings were changed. Both buildings now have small square windows and shop doors at the top. The six-square windows disappeared. The old panelling of the building fitted in well with the spirit of twentieth-century classicism. All that was added were sturdier pilaster strips. Semicircular windows were also to be added to the roof, but they were not. The buildings became the fabric shop and wholesale store of the O. N. Rantanen fabric shop.
In 1974, a grill restaurant was built in the east side of the building. Space was limited and the restaurant was only 57 m² in size. The open space was taken from the articulated section between the street-side building and the outbuilding.
Current situation
West side street-side building
Long-cornered residential building, now partly a commercial building, probably built in the 1700s, west wing rebuilt in 1863, ribbed horizontal siding, pilasters, high pitched roof, hipped roof, skylights, display windows from 1929.
East side street-side building
An elongated residential building, probably also from the 1700s, similar in appearance and roof to the previous one, the north side frame is an old log building, the first of the windows dating from 1921, the rest from 1929.
Outdoor building
Short-cornered outbuilding
late 19th century.