Pappilankatu 17, Kauppakatu 10
Property code: 001-143-190

In 1756, the Sonki plot belonged to Sonki’s widow. In 1800, half belonged to Gustav Brogerg, a soldier recruited from Big Sonki, and the other half to Simon Norlund, a patron, who was described as a pauper.
Modification drafts
The plot was divided into two parts in 1893. Both halves of the plot had a residential building along the Kauppakatu, and an outbuilding was apparently built at right angles to the residential building on the western boundary of the plot. On the eastern half of the plot, in addition to the residential building, there were two outbuildings, one on the northern boundary of the plot and the other along Pappilankatu. Along the street was a cart shed and the building at the rear of the courtyard contained a stable, a barn, a latrine and a shed. A 1999 façade drawing by Arvi Forsman showed the whole side of the Kauppakatu as a single building with seven four-light windows and horizontal moulding, with discreet neo-renaissance frames around the windows. In 1913, the entrance to the shop was opened on the roof of the building, between two windows. However, in the same year, there was another modification drawing by Arvi Leikari, which made major changes to the buildings on the eastern side of the plot. The building was raised and boarded up in Art Nouveau style. Two kitchens, a pantry and two entrances were added to the courtyard. Two rooms on the roof side were combined to form a commercial building in the corner of the building. The kitchen with a baking oven became an ordinary room. The old detached carriage house, which was too close to the extended building, was demolished and a wing was added to the outbuilding, facing Pappilankatu. The buildings on the western half of the site remained unchanged. There was a twin-towered section along the street. The eastern end was also a semi-detached before the change. In 1924, the same alterations were proposed, which had already been authorised, but now the western end of the building was also to be made uniform with the eastern end. However, a 1935 drawing shows that the west end of the building was not altered. The building is still lower than the east end. Now they wanted to open a roof entrance, make a toilet and modernise the kitchen. It was located in a wing on the western side of the plot. They also wanted to demolish part of the wing, so that the outbuilding remained separate.
There were two buildings along the street and three outbuildings in the yard. In 1940, large shop windows were added to the side of the building on the corner of Kauppa- and Pappilankatu. There were two entrances. A boiler room was built in the basement and some of the furnaces were demolished. In 1947, rooms with fireplaces were added to the attic.
The building at the corner of Kauppakatu and Pappilankatu was renovated in 1963. Some of the premises had already been used for business and warehousing, but now everything became a single Valo footwear store. An apartment on the courtyard side became a staff room and warehouse. Between the rooms on the street side, large enough gaps were cut in the log walls to make the room a single space. The rooms on the Pappilankatu were added to it. The large shop was heated by two oil fires, and the furnaces were removed. The rooms on the attic floor became the shop’s office and storage space.
In 1964, office space was built in one of the buildings on the Kauppakatu side. A shop window and door were also added to the street frontage. In 1969, the building was converted into retail space. A second display window replaced the four-light residential window on the roof. All the rooms on the paired street side were opened up into one room by removing the partitions and stoves. The kitchen in the courtyard wing became a store room, leaving a hallway with a small toilet at the back. The chimneys were demolished to make way for electric heating.
The outbuilding on the west side of the courtyard was demolished.
Current situation
Street-side building
Consists of two oblong residential buildings, of which the western one is the older. Now a commercial building, wide ribbed horizontal planking, gabled roof, shop windows. Remains of Art Nouveau features.
Outdoor building
Short-cornered exterior building with cladding
A gate made in the old style.