Katula and Wähä-Knuutla
Kauppakatu 21, Isopoikkikatu 16
Property code: 001-140-1
Old plot numbers: 81 and 82

In 1800, the Katula plot was owned by the bourgeois Erik Lilja. He owned more than 2 barrels of arable land, a meadow, a food shed outside the plot, a shed on the beach, and half of a reef and a barn. Johan Åberg, a squire and bourgeois, was the master of Vähä-Knuutla. He had more than 4 barrels of arable land, a meadow twice as large as the neighbour’s, three reefs with barns, two food sheds, two beach sheds, a boathouse, a loading dock and 1/3 of the sawmill in Lappi.
Fire insurance
The house was insured against fire as early as 1847 and 1877. In both years the house was owned by the Paqval family. Unfortunately, the fire insurance policies have not survived, except for a few inspection reports. In 1898, the policy was taken out by Master V. Panelius. The buildings had been thoroughly renovated before that date.
The main building on Kauppakatu was built partly in 1831 and partly in 1876. It had now been extended with a brick corridor and a tin-roofed extension on the courtyard side. The older parts of the house are boarded up and covered partly with brick and partly with tin. The building has 13 rooms with tiled stoves, two kitchens and two corridors with entrances from both the street and the courtyard, and three porches.
The building on Isopoikkatu was in good condition, boarded up and painted with oil paint. It had a chamber with a tiled stove, a baking room with ovens, a shed, a stable and a woodshed. The building has a pitched roof. Under this building is a vaulted cellar. The second outbuilding was located on the southern boundary of the plot and was built together with the building facing Isopoikkikatu. It was in fair condition and contained a chalk, a feed shed and a barn. The building had a pitched roof. The building in the middle of the plot, which is in good condition, has a sauna, a laundry room, a hall and two dormitories. This building also has a pitched roof. Two of the earlier buildings had been demolished. There was a separate garden area behind the sauna. The fire insurance documents include a plan dating from 1900 for the installation of electric lights in some of the rooms of the main building.
Modification drafts
Vuodelta 1892 on tontin ulkorakennuksen muutoksia koskeva piirustus. Liitteenä olevasta asemapiirroksesta selviää, että Kauppakadun varrella on pitkä asuinrakennus ja Isopoikkikadun varrella toinen rakennus, johon liittyy siipi tontin etelärajalla. Keskellä pihaa on kaksiosainen ulkorakennus ja tontin itärajalla toinen kaksiosainen ulkorakennus. Nyt tämä rakennus puretaan ja vastaavasti toiseen rakennukseen tehdään uusi makasiiniosa. Ennestään rakennuksessa on makasiini ja sauna, niiden välissä on lautaeteinen. Tontin Kauppakadun varren rakennuksesta on August Heleniuksen tekemä muutospiirustus vuodelta 1896. Pitkää asuinrakennusta levitetään pihan puolelta kahdella kamarilla, keittiöllä ja eteisellä. Lisäksi pihasivulle rakennetaan avonainen veranta. Rakennus jaetaan kahdeksi huoneistoksi, ja samalla tehdään myös tulisijamuutoksia.
There is a drawing from 1892 concerning changes to the exterior of the plot. The attached plan shows a long residential building along Kauppakatu and a second building along Isopoikkikatu with a wing on the southern boundary of the plot. There is a two-part outbuilding in the middle of the courtyard and another two-part outbuilding on the eastern boundary of the plot. This building will now be demolished and a new macasin will be built in the second building. The original building consists of a dormitory and a sauna, with a boardwalk between them. The building on the side of the plot along Kauppakatu is an alteration drawing by August Helenius from 1896. The long residential building is extended on the courtyard side with two chambers, a kitchen and a hall. In addition, an open veranda will be built on the side of the courtyard. The building will be divided into two apartments, and the fireplace will also be modified.
The 1904 amendment drawing no longer shows the long, continuous mass of buildings along Isopoikkikatu and the southern boundary of the plot. Instead, the plan shows a separate building with a bakehouse and a chamber nearest the main building and an outbuilding with log dormitories at the corner of the plot. The residential building is to be extended and the storage room in the warehouse facing Isopoikkikatu is to be demolished. The bakery building will become a residential building with four rooms, a kitchen and two hallways, with a neo-renaissance panelling. The residential building will be separated from the outbuilding by a fence in keeping with the style. The alterations will involve the relocation of the toilet to a separate compartment to the side of the outbuilding. The plans were drawn up by Arvi Forsman.
In 1911, a vault is built in the bank and a counter in the banking hall. The plans were made by H. A. Toivonen. In 1929, a new roof entrance is built. At the same time, a toilet and bathroom were built and a sewer was constructed to carry the water along Isopoikkikatu to the canal. In 1934 there is a plan to build toilets in all the residential buildings and a bathroom in two of them. The water mains and sewerage system were installed in the city in the same year. In 1954, a sauna and a garage were built in the courtyard building. In 1967, the buildings were fitted with central heating, the furnaces were dismantled and the kitchens, toilets and bathrooms were modernised. An electric stove had been installed in one of the apartments earlier, in 1953. In addition, all the outbuildings on the southern boundary of the site were converted into garages.
Current situation
Elongated residential building, western part built in 1831, eastern part in 1876, very fine neo-renaissance decoration on the roof in 1896 (August. Helenius), gable roof.
Courtyard facade in 1897 (Onni von Zansen).
Building along Isopoikkikatu Short-cornered residential building, neo-renaissance construction of 1899 and 1904 (John F. Lindegren), saddle roof.
Short-cornered dwelling and outbuilding, horizontal brickwork, neo-renaissance window frames, built in the early 19th century and in 1845, originally a dormer building
Outdoor building
Outer building from the scales, car sheds, probably built in 1825
The old turn-of-the-century style gate on the Isopoikkikatu side, concrete pillars and an old style gate on the Kauppakatu side.