Vanhankirkonkatu 27
Property code: 001-135-89

Talon omisti vuonna 1800 porvari Joh. Smedberg. Hänellä oli myös peltoa, sekä osuus riiheen ja siihen kuuluvaan latoon.
Modification drafts
The modification drawing for the plot dates from 1883. Prior to the alteration, the site was occupied by a semi-detached residential building on Vanhankirkonkatu, with an adjoining wing on the eastern side of the site facing Neulavahti. On the western boundary of the plot was a residential and outbuilding. In connection with the alteration, the residential building was to have a new kitchen and new porch entrances on the courtyard side. In addition, the narrow part of the angled building was to be widened and the outbuildings were to be connected by a section on the southern boundary. The building on the western boundary also needed to be extended at its northern end. However, it seems that some of the renovations were not carried out. The façades of the buildings are shown as horizontal boarded and the windows as six-paned, classically panelled. The horizontal boarding did not take place.
In 1988, the buildings were renovated and altered. The former three apartments were combined, and a sauna was built in place of the woodshed at the end of the residential building. In the courtyard of the residential building, more space was created in the attic, where a small living room was added. Modern washrooms and toilets were added to both buildings. The old barn in the outbuilding was converted into a car shelter and the latrine into a storage room. On the Old Church Street side, a high gateway was built.
Current situation
Residential building
Residential building with long corners, smooth vertical planking, cladding on the courtyard facade, 6-pane windows, saddle roof. The building was raised in 1883, but otherwise retains its original appearance.
Outdoor building
Short-cornered dwelling and outbuilding, cladding
An old type of gate.