Private saunas
Raumalta löydät viihtyisät saunatilat erilaisiin tilaisuuksiin, esimerkiksi syntymäpäiviin, polttareihin tai ihan vain rentoon illanviettoon.

Tiilivuori cottage Sauna
Tiilivuori cottage has many opportunities and accommodation for approximately 50 persons. In addition there is a…
Tiilivuorentie 9 -
Linnanpiha ‘Messi’ Sauna
Located in the courtyard of Hotel Raumanlinna, completely renovated sauna has room for 20–25 people. Food…
Valtakatu 5 -
Juhla-Tallbo Sauna
Juhla-Tallbo sauna facilities are located by the sea on the Petäjäksentie. The spacious sauna can accommodate…
Petäjäksentie 178 -
Rauma city lakeside / seaside saunas
The city of Rauma has seven lakeside/ seaside saunas and they are open for public from…
Rauma Bowling alley’s booking sauna
Sauna and a cabinet for maximum of 25 people. The cabinet includes a tv, stereos, WiFi,…
Valtakatu 15 -
Äijänsuo hockey stadium’s sauna lodge
This Narvi sauna box can accommodate a group of 15 persons and approximately 10 in the…
Nortamonkatu 23 -
Villa Rientola Sauna
This spectacular seaside villa was already built in 1892 and has been restored to a new…
Rientolantie 51 -
Kalamaja’s saunas in Nurmes island
Kalamaja offers diverse opportunities in the nature and at the sea, as well as experiences with…
Nurmes Mansikkakari -
Helmiranta Sauna
There are three saunas with a sea view in Helmiranta. From the saunas you can cool…
Puuluntie 388 -
Pyykkallio Sauna
Pyykkallio sauna is located by the Lake of Kaljasjärvi in Kodisjoki. The building has a kitchen…
Saarentie 43 -
Sauna of the Ooperi Banquet and Sports House
On the lower floor of the Ooperi, there are two sauna facilities with dressing rooms and…
Vanha Turuntie 56 -
Hotel Kalliohovi’s saunas
Hotel Kalliohovi has two saunas of different sizes. The larger sauna can accommodate 20 persons and…
Kalliokatu 25 -
Kaaro Sauna
This sauna has a cottage/mini kitchen + sauna and two dressing rooms. The cottage has 16…
Kaarojärventie 109 -
Johtola Sauna
This unique milieu has the atmosphere of cartridge time. The sauna can accommodate up to 10…
Tikkalantie 5 -
Latumaja Sauna
A modest yard sauna in the middle of a beautiful forest landscape on Tiilivuori. The sauna…
Lemmenkujantie 61 -
Sauna of Kallio
Sauna is located in a stylish penthouse in Kalliokatu street. Spacious sauna is for 10 people.…
Kalliokatu 32 B -
Sauna of Haus Anna
Sauna of Haus Anna is located in the city centre. Maximum capacity of the sauna is…
Satamakatu 7 -
Sauna of Hakkarainen
This sauna is located in the woods of Uotila. There is a spacious sauna section (for…
Kotikuja 10 -
Merikylpylä saunas
Located in the fabulous headland of Fåfänga, Merikylpylä saunas offer opportunities for relaxing on public or…
Suvitie 4 -
Pyörä-Nurmi VIP-Lounge Sauna
Shopping center “Potkur” has a stylish sauna for 6 persons in Pyörä-Nurmi shop’s agency premise. The…
Kauppakeskus Potkur, Kauppakatu 3