Aalperi ja Bergeri
Kuninkaankatu 40, Vähäpoikkik. 4
Property code: 001-158-1
Old plot number: 36-37

In 1756, the Aalperi plot was owned by Ahlberg’s widow and the Bergeri plot by Juhana Berger. In 1800 the Aalper plot belonged to the widow of the organist Srömbeck, who was poor, and the Bergeri plot to the burgher Emmanuel Söderman. He had more than two barrels of farmland, a meadow, a food shed, two drying barns, a barn and a shed on the beach.
Fire insurance
Fire insurance was taken out in 1847. The building was owned by Carl Sederström. There were three buildings on the plot along Kuninkaankatu and Vähäpoikkikatu: the angular main building at the corner of the streets, with two other buildings as a continuation, and an outbuilding on the east side of the courtyard. The main building was built in 1839 and boarded up in 1846. The building had two hallways, two halls and five chambers, a kitchen, a pantry and a shop. There was a vaulted cellar under the building. There were 11 six-paned windows, two slightly smaller six-paned windows, two four-paned windows and six attic windows. The outer door was a double door of double board. There were also two single-sided, double board doors. There were three half-panel double doors and seven half-panel single-panel doors on the exterior. One room had paper wallpaper and skirting boards. The attic staircase led from a closet which had two doors. The stoves were one square, two round and one mullioned and glazed in brown. The two tiled stoves were of brick. There was also a kitchen stove with an oven.
The building was extended by a shed and a storehouse. It was old and painted in red ochre and built together with another building, which was an old, timbered, unplanked and red-painted baker’s building. There was a shed, a baking room with two ovens and a brick oven, a hallway and a toilet. The building had one window.
On the eastern boundary of the property was an old unboarded outbuilding with a stable, barn, hay barn and food shed.
In 1877, a new insurance policy was issued. The house was then owned by J. E. Eriksson, a master coppersmith. The main building was planked and painted in 1875 with green sludge paint. There were 12 rooms: two hallways, two halls, six chambers, a kitchen, a pantry and a porch. In the last year, four rooms had new doors and new floors (the chamber and hallway completely, two chambers partially). Four rooms were wallpapered and two rooms had new tiled stoves, one of which was porcelain. The water roof was covered with roof tiles.
The northern part of the main row of buildings, which used to house the bakehouse, had been transformed from a bakehouse into a farmhands’ quarters, decorated as a copper smith’s workshop. The building also contained a chamber and a shed. There were two tiled ovens. Five of the lowest five layers of logs had been replaced and the building was now in good condition. The building had been painted with red paint. The outbuilding on the east side of the courtyard had not been altered. In the centre of the courtyard, a separate boarded toilet had been built and painted red. In addition, the gates and fence were still insured.
Modification drafts
An alteration drawing of the Mäkelä buildings dates from 1884. Before the alteration, there were two separate residential buildings on the west side of the plot, with a gate between them. One building consisted of a room and a porch and the other, before the alteration, had a hall, two chambers, a hallway and a shed. On the northern boundary of the plot, there was an outbuilding on the western side of the plot and a one-room baker’s building on the eastern side. An outbuilding comprising a stable, barn, shed and barn was located on the eastern boundary of the plot, with the end facing Kiviniemenkatu. Now a wing was to be built on the northern boundary of the plot, connecting the second baker’s building with the residential building on the western boundary. Two sections of different widths were inserted, one with two rooms, the other with an entrance hall, a hall and a pantry. At the same time, the rooms of the old buildings were altered: a chamber was separated from the bakehouse and a kitchen was added to the western wing. The building was divided into two apartments, and a porch was built in front of both entrances. A new angular outbuilding was also built. A basement, which had already existed on the site, was left under the outbuilding.
In 1900, Arvi Forsman drew an alteration drawing of the residential building with a neo-renaissance lining. The planking is tripartite, and the T-pane windows are framed in straight lines. The high gate is also in the neo-renaissance style. The west wing of the residence was extended with a kitchen, hallway and two chambers. On the same site, at a slightly different angle to the dwelling, a separate one-room dwelling previously standing on the same site was demolished or converted into part of a new extension. In 1904, the outbuilding on the eastern boundary of the site was extended with a board shed.
In 1979, the premises of the apartment in the west wing of the residential building were converted into a shop.There were two other apartments in the building.In 1987, the space that had been used as a shop became a flat again.
Current situation
Short-cornered residential building, built in three phases between 1839 and 1847, neo-renaissance lining from 1902 (Arvi Forsman), grooved horizontal planking on the courtyard facade, hipped roof, display windows from 1962. Long-cornered boarded-up outbuilding.