
According to the 1800 tax list, the house was owned by shoemaker Hinr. Rönn and children’s teacher Fredr. Ankar, who had a little land but was considered poor.
Modification drafts
In 1901, a new, modern latrine was built on the southern boundary of the site, with an insulated floor in the body of the building. There was also a residential building on the site along Etelpitkäkatu and another building on the western boundary of the site. Between the buildings there was apparently a covered gateway.
A major renovation and alterations to the buildings were carried out in 1907. The plans were drawn up by Arvi Leikari. Before the alterations, there had been two separate residential buildings on the plot, one along the street and the other on the western boundary. The building on the western boundary had three rooms, two chambers and a kitchen in the middle, accessed via a small plank doorway. The building was a small semi-detached house. The other building was on the eastern edge of the plot. It was also a semi-detached house, with an entrance hall and a chamber in the middle, a room on one side and a hall on the other. In front of the entrance was a small porch. This building was probably completely demolished at the time of the conversion, but the logs may have been used to build the new wing section. The new street frontage was built as a wing to the building on the west side of the property. The gate remained on the eastern side of the site, where the building had previously stood. The new part of the curbside added a room with a baking oven and two chambers. A small kitchen was added to the exterior of the courtyard, with boarded porches on either side. After the alteration, the building had three separate apartments, one with two rooms and a kitchen, one with a room and a kitchen, and the third with a room and a pantry. The Art Nouveau panelling of the building dates from this period. The façade was continued by a gateway in the same style.
The log outbuilding was located on the south side of the property, and was the full length of the site. At either end was a further boarded shed, winged towards the courtyard. The outbuilding was later replaced by a smaller one, into which a sauna was added in 1962.
In the 1980s, the dwelling house was planned for repairs and alterations. A shower room was required in the larger of the two apartments. At the other end of the building, space was reserved for a beauty salon. They also wanted to build an old-style gate on the site. In 1983, the apartments were joined together, a new porch and veranda were built, and an insulated but unheated storage room was created in the attic. In 1987, there was a desire to take more attic space for residential use as a craft room and warm storage. In 1988, a garage was added to the outbuilding.
In 1992, further alterations were made to both the living quarters and the outbuilding. The porch area was slightly modified. One of the toilets was abandoned, the sauna was renovated and a room with a fireplace was added.
Current situation
Residential building
Short-cornered residential building with vertical planking and Art Nouveau window decorations in 1907 (Arvi Leikari). West wing, elongated residential building, gabled roof.
Exterior building
Vertical boarded exterior building
Rebuilt to resemble the gate designed by Arvi Leikari in 1907 for the plot.