Eteläpitkäkatu 13
Property code: 001-129-141

The 1756 annex to the town map shows that the owner of the house was Klöftedt. In the 1800 tax list, the second owner of the property was Hens Jernberg, a bourgeois who owned a field, a meadow, a food shed, a barn and a drying barn. The second owner was the bourgeois dowager Leena Strandstén. She also had some arable land and a meadow.
Modification drafts
The modification drawing for the residential building on the street side of the plot, drawn by Arvi Forsman, dates from 1900. Before the alteration, the building consisted of a semi-detached section, an adjoining covered gateway and a section on the other side of the corridor, probably a timbered storeroom. The semi-detached section consisted of two large living rooms with a room and kitchen between them. In front of the kitchen was a porch. Now the intention was to extend the building with a room, kitchen and hallway at the gateway. The old storeroom was demolished and a gate was built in its place. The building was given a new three-part lining. The windows were T-pane with Neo-Renaissance framing. The gateway structure repeated the details of the façade. There was also a building on the site that followed the southern and eastern boundaries of the courtyard and a separate building near the western boundary of the site.
The 1911 alteration drawing of the outbuilding shows that the outbuilding on the south side of the courtyard comprised a stable, barn and shed. The adjoining wing on the eastern side of the plot contained not only a storeroom but also living quarters. It was intended to demolish the detached two-room building on the west side of the courtyard and replace it with a wing attached to the stable and barn wing at the rear of the courtyard, which would house a latrine and log sheds. In 1939, the buildings on the southern part of the site remained as they had been just over twenty years earlier, but it was desired to add an entrance to the residential building along the street.
In 1958, the entire old two-winged outbuilding was replaced by a stone outbuilding with a pent roof built at the back of the yard, on the southern boundary of the plot, to house a sauna, firewood storage and a latrine. The residential part of the old courtyard building was left standing.
In 1975, the second residential building on the plot was already gone. At that time, changes were made to the apartment at the other end of the street-side building. The porch on the courtyard side was extended into a warm hallway and a vestibule. Apparently small toilets had already been provided in the porch area of both dwellings and the entrances had been moved elsewhere. Now the entrance to the second apartment was to be placed in the middle of the building again. At the same time, the layout of the rooms was changed by moving the walls.
Current situation
Residential building
Long-cornered residential building, gabled roof, modification drawing from 1900
Outdoor building
Cement brick outdoor building from 1958
A shared gate with a neighbouring plot, where in addition to the shared drive gate, both plots had their own access gate, applied to the old gate type, 1990s (Jukka Koivula)