Kiviniemenkatu 8
Property code: 001-52-211

According to the annex to the 1756 status map: the plot called Seppä belonged to Henrik Stengrund and the other plot called Seppä belonged to Berger. In 1800, plot 211 was owned by Hinr. Wästerling, a bourgeois. He also had some arable land, but he was poor.
The modification drawing by Arvi Leikari dates from 1902. There is a residential building on the plot, the end of which faces Kiviniemenkatu. The building was a semi-detached house with a room and a hall, with an entrance hall and a cupboard between them, and an end chamber on the street side next to the room. The long outbuilding is at the rear of the plot. It had four rooms and the plan was to add a toilet block. The latrine had previously been a small detached building next to the outbuilding next to a fenced open enclosure. The residential building was to be raised. The end of the residential building is drawn in neo-renaissance style with a small triangular motif above the window. The gateway is drawn high and has an overhead timber lintel.
The modification drawing by Arvi Leikari dates from 1911. There was a residential building on the eastern boundary and an outbuilding on the northern boundary. There was also a small board shed at the gate on the Kiviniemenkatu side of the plot. After the alteration, the residential building had two apartments, one with a living room and a pantry, the other with a hallway and a porch. The other had a room, a small kitchen and a hallway. Previously, the room in the second dwelling had been part of the same dwelling as the baking oven room and the smaller room. The building was altered with Art Nouveau-style window panelling and a new fence and gate. The upper part of both the gate and the fence consisted of a lattice grid. The gate was low and had no upper timber.
The property was renovated in 1959. The residential building was converted into a modern building of the period. A bathroom was added to the two-room, kitchen apartment. A sauna was added at one end of the building and a boiler room was fitted behind the kitchen. A wood stove was left in the kitchen and a fireplace was added to the living room. The windows in the building were converted into low, two- and three-light standard windows. The same type of windows were added to the renovated porch, which was converted from a gable to a pent roof. A small porch was added in front of the sauna. At the same time, the old cattle shed, sheds and outhouse with latrine were demolished and replaced by a much smaller one. A bicycle shed and a woodshed were added.
In 1973, part of the attic of the dwelling house was converted into a warm room. A cloakroom and warm storage space were added. At the same time, new stairs were made from the porch to the attic. The shower room was also converted.
Current situation
Residential building
Residential building with long corners, saddle roof. Altered in 1959 to reflect the style of the period, with porch, narrow horizontal boarding and lowered windows.
Exterior building
Clapboarded outbuilding dating from 1959, when the traditional outbuilding needed to be replaced by a fuel store and cycle shelter.