Vanhankirkonkatu 17, Vähäraastuvankatu 4
Property code: 001-133-116

In 1800 the land was owned by the patron And. Norrland. Other real estate he owned was an old barn.
Fire insurance
The house was insured in 1862. The insurer was the merchant-porter J. Ekman. At the corner of Vanhankirkonkatu and Vähäraastuvankatu there was an old, but well-maintained building. It was painted with red clay paint and covered with a plank roof. There were two halls, two chambers, a loft and two hallways. There were four tiled stoves. The baking room had a baking oven and a stove. The property was accessed from the side of Vanhankirkonkatu, through a gateway that ran through the building. On the side of the house on Vähäraastuvankatu, an extension of the residential building, was an old outbuilding, unplanked but painted red. It contained a dormitory, a barn, a barn and a stable.
Modification drafts
The oldest change drawing dates from 1897. The house was then owned by Amanda Nordling. The double doors of the shop were opened on Vanhankirkonkatu, and one new window was added on Vähäraastuvankatu. The building had smooth vertical panelling and six-paned windows with classical panelling. A small access door was opened from the second half of the gateway to the gateway corridor. The building’s appearance was similar to the late 17th and early 19th centuries.
In 1899, Arvi Forsman drew up an alteration drawing for the house. The intention was to make a thorough renovation: a new stone foundation, new Renaissance cladding, a new roof, and to build new kitchens and entrances to the courtyard. The building consisted of two apartments, one with three living rooms and a business room, a hallway and a kitchen with a baking oven. The second apartment had three rooms and a small kitchen. The exterior of the building, which consisted of three rooms with double doors, faced the street of the Vähäraastuvankatu. They were now separated by a firewall from the residential part. The covered staircase will be demolished and replaced by a gate.
In 1904, the outbuilding was shortened and a wing was built on the courtyard side, with sheds and a toilet. The following year, the outbuilding was slightly altered and a new entrance was added to the residential building. In 1919, the corner shop is fitted with display windows and later a second shop entrance is opened on Vanhankirkonkatu. A tall and narrow shop window will be added next to it.
In 1950, a sauna is built in the outbuilding. In 1961, plans were made to combine the premises on the Vanhankirkonkatu side into a single shop by demolishing partition walls. At the same time, large display windows were to be built on the roof side. The walls were to be demolished, and the entire shop was to be heated by an oil-fired fireplace. However, the plan was never realised.
The next plan is from 1974. The changes were due to the construction of toilets and showers and the modernisation of the kitchens. Some of the tiled stoves were also demolished. The shop door facing Vanhankirkonkatu was also removed, leaving a corner room and a small adjoining room.
Current situation
Residential twin building
Long-cornered residential, commercial and outbuilding, elevation and Renaissance lining 1899 (Arvi Forsman), shop windows, saddle roof
Outdoor building
Boarded exterior building
A wooden gate of the 1950s type.